L A D Y L I K E (F I R S T L A D Y)
It is the most efficient nutritional formula of the 21st century, designed specifically for today’s woman. This is a reconstructive formula for the female system helping women in their pubertal, premenstrual and menopausal stages. If you desire to achieve your ultimate potential as a woman, your best choice would be to choose LADYLIKE (FIRST LADY)
Nutritional deficiency is a major problem for today’s woman. Many health crisis that women experience today could be eliminated by providing complete nutrition. The responsibilities and stress of modern life requires that a person have the mental and physical capacity to deal with the increasing demands of today’s living. Without this capacity, problems soon begin to develop. Many women commonly have problems in the following areas:
•Diminished vital energy
•Interference with proper nervous functions
•Decreased interest in intimacy
•PMS and irregularity of the menstrual cycle and associated disorders.
The responsible woman tries to pursue good health. Good health is a foundation for satisfaction in life. It is the greatest treasure. Health is a complete physical, mental and spiritual well being. LADYLIKE is formulated to lay the nutritional foundation for success and effectiveness in modern life.
Let’s talk about some of the 123 ingredients of LADYLIKE.
VITAMIN A (Beta Carotene); It is vital for healthy skin, good vision, bones and teeth.
VITAMIN B3 (Niacinamide): Helps reduce cholesterol and lower high blood pressure. Helps control hypoglycemia.
VITAMIN B5 (Panthotenic Acid): Stimulates the function of the adrenal gland, supports the immune system to resist stress, increases cortisone’s level, help prevent premature aging and skin wrinkles.
VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine HCL): Helps to balance the sodium and potassium level, may help with water retention, and rid the body of excess water.
VITAMIN B12: Helps regulate the metabolism, nerve function, and prevents cell deterioration.
VITAMIN B15: Essential for proper protein metabolism, helps the heart muscle, important for proper circulation, helps fight fatigue.
VITAMIN C: Protects the body as a whole by increasing resistance to viral and bacterial infections.
VITAMIN E: Essential for proper sexual functioning and normal activity of the reproductive system; stimulates hormone production.
VITAMIN K: Promotes vitality and longevity, reduces body aches, needed for a healthy colon.
CALCIUM: Acting with phosphorus, helps regulate the nervous system, controls muscle spasm and needed for good blood coagulation.
CHROMIUM (GTF): Seems to increase the effectiveness of insulin, aids in the transport of glucose within the cell.
IODINE (Kelp): It is a sea weed that helps in the functioning of the thyroid glands and prevent goiter.
IRON: A vital mineral present in every living cell; nourishes the blood and the body’s tissues.
MANGANESE: This mineral contributes to maintaining the production of the sexual hormones, nourishes the brain and the nervous system.
BLACK COHOSH ROOT: Helps balance female hormones; it is a natural estrogen producer, astringent and expectorant.
BLUE COHOSH ROOT: Helps prevent uterine problems, helps reduce vaginal inflammation, regulate premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
CHAMOMILE: This plant has long been used as a general tonic. It is good for the urinary system.
DAMIANA: It is said to have an aphrodisiac quality; recommended for female ailments such as menopause, hot flashes, frigidity.
DANDELION: It is rich in vitamins and minerals, good for the digestive system, constipation and age spots.
GOLDEN SEAL: A natural antibiotic; helps in controlling hemorrhage, menstruation, morning sickness, diabetes, allergies, sinusitis and thyroid dysfunction.
PAU D’ARCO: An excellent tonic used as a detoxifier; has been used in cases of cancer, leukemia, ulcers, rheumatism and pains.
GINSENG: Seems to stimulate mental and physical vigor; known as an aphrodisiac that seems to increase energy and longevity.
UVA URSI: Helps in controlling diabetes, pancreas, hemorrhoids, menstruation, gonorrhea and obesity.
CAT’S CLAW: An immune system stimulant and energy enhancer, it has anti-inflammatory qualities; has been used in cases of cancer.
LICORICE: Has been recommended for low blood sugar.
MELATONIN: Is a neural hormone produced in the pineal gland, it has regulatory effects on the hypothalamus gland and influences the functioning of the thyroid, thymus, pancreas and adrenal glands. It has antioxidant immune-protective and sleep regulating properties. It has positive effects on osteoporosis and has been helpful in the fight against cancer.
CO-Q10: The more efficient element to prevent cancer, problems associated with the heart, blood pressure, allergies, asthma.
LADYLIKE is a dream come true. Today’s woman now has, at her reach, a rejuvenating nutritional formula specifically designed to support the female reproductive system. Why not give your body optimal nutritional support? Add to your diet the 123 ingredients of the LADYLIKE super formula for today’s woman. It is the most complete nutritional formula of its kind, full of vital components necessary to nourish and beautify the woman’s delicate body.
Give your body the increased energy needed for the demands of modern living.
FIRST LADY helps to prevent indigestion, gas, constipation, hemorrhoids and bad breath. Helps control thyroid problems, obesity and cellulite. Helps prevent menstrual and menopausal hormones disorders; an excellent help for the female reproductive system. Helps hair growth and bladness.
LADYLIKE is a powerful supplement that will provide you with the energy necessary to experience the ultimate feeling of well being throughout the day.
We consider LADYLIKE the fountain of eternal youth.
LADYLIKE (First Lady) comes in four sizes for your various needs.
30 tablets Sold Out!
60 tablets Sold Out!
90 tablets Sold Out!
180 tablets Sold Out!
We ship via UPS-Ground. Usually takes three to four busines days.
We accept credit card payments: visa, mastercard and discover.
You also can send a check or money order by mail.
Or you can order by phone if you prefer, by calling 1-800-437-4757.
T R O J A N’ S H O R S E
More than ever, today’s man needs a well balanced combination that will rebuild the body, produce harmony within the system, and eliminate deficiency. The stress of modern life demands one have a fully functional mind and body. Common complaints are:
•Poor concentration * Failure to adapt to stress
•Low sexual energy * Lost effectiveness due to fatigue
Illnesses common to men such as prostate disease, urinary problems, and associated cancers.
The health conscious man pursues optimal health. Health is indispensable in reaching one’s goals in life. Health is a precious possessions that is valued most when lost. Health is total physical, mental, and spiritual well being. The goal of nutrition should be to supply all the vital substances needed for optimal physical and mental function. Today’s man needs TROJAN”S HORSE to eliminate nutritional deficits. TROJAN’S HORSE is the most advance bio-energetic nutritional formula providing more nutritive substances than any other vitamin supplement. This is a super formula for the active man containing a synergistic combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs and many other health producing ingredients.
TROJAN’S HORSE is 100% natural.
COMPLETE B-COMPLEX: including B-12 and B-15 helping fight fatigue and premature aging.
VITAMIN C: which is essential for total body health and help protect and rebuild all body tissues.
ANTIOXIDANTS: including Pycnogenol (20 times more potent than vitamin C), Mitake, Selenium, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E, and many more.
BETA CAORTENE: may help prevent certain types of cancer and supports good vision.
ROYAL JELLY: is an energy activator of the cell and is rich in enzymes, amino acids and minerals.
BEE POLLEN: may help some asthma sufferers, providing energy and is said to promote longevity.
MINERALS: is easily absorbable forms strengthen the bones and teeth; involved in almost all chemical functions of the body.
CHROMIUM GTF: helps regulate blood sugar levels and helps metabolize fat without harming muscle.
CAYENNE: an energetic herb that helps digestion and may prevent internal hemorrhage.
DAMIANA: seems to calm the nerves and is known to help impotence.
ECHINACEA: a known immune system stimulant.
GOLDEN SEAL ROOT: is known as a natural antibiotic and blood purifier.
GARLIC: seems to help control high blood pressure, sinus and cholesterol problems.
HORSETAIL: may help prevent tumors, help diabetes, promotes hair growth and control parasites.
GINSENG: may help with impotence by stimulating male hormones.
YOHIMBE: is an African plant known for its powerful aphrodisiac effect and is said to increase sexual energy and pleasure.
CAT’S CLAW : may help prevent arthritis pains, rheumatism and muscular aches such as joint, hip, neck and back pains.
CO-Q 10: the more efficient element to prevent cancer, problems associated with the heart, blood pressure, allergies, asthma.
Try TROJAN’S HORSE and increase your horsepower with 93 power ingredients formulated for today’s man.
It is the most complete formula on the market today containing vital proteins, carbohydrates, essential fats, vitamins, minerals, herbs, glandular extracts.
1.Empowers and energizes.
2.Cleanses the system of toxins, free radicals and infections.
3.Supports heart function and improves circulation.
4.Helps control cholesterol and vessel plaque.
5.Increases resistance to stress, improves sleep, and decreases tension.
6.Enhances memory and increases oxygen to the brain.
7.Improves digestion, helps control constipation, hemorrhoids and bad breath.
8.Helps control excessive weight.
9.Helps with cleansing of the liver and pancreas.
10.Helps prevent diabetes.
11.Rejuvenates the skin, decreases blemishes and acne.
12.Helps hair growth. May help boldness.
Trojan's Horse comes in four sizes for your various needs.
60 tablets $ 24.99
90 tablets $ 37.99
180 tablets $ 69.99
We ship via UPS-Ground. Usually takes three to four busines days.
We accept credit card payments: visa, mastercard and discover.
You also can send a check or money order by mail.
Or you can order by phone if you prefer, by calling 1-800-437-4757.
..Please call our toll free number 1-800-437-4757.
We are open monday through friday from 9:00 am to 6:00pm
if you would like to place an order or have questions about our products, you can e-mail us. We will be glad to answer your questions.
E-mail: customerservice@trojanshorse.com
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